Tuesday, November 29, 2011


My little nephew is the cutest thing in the entire world. I'm not biased, that's just the truth. This past weekend was great because my whole family came home to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas in one weekend (we celebrated Christmas since most my family will be gone for the real Christmas), Trevor and Melissa and Thompson, Nate, and my parents and I all slept over at the house and got to spend lots of time together. It was the best. This is a video of my mom giving Thompson a haircut to show you how adorable he is. Isn't he the best?

I think he's part of the reason I'm already baby hungry...


  1. "already baby hungry" Hahaha :) love you. He is really so cute!

  2. oh bummer the video didn't work for me. but I bet he is a cutie! babies are the BEST!
