Monday, August 29, 2011

Culture Shock?

Is it possible to have culture shock within your own culture? I never really thought about this until now. Today was my first day of classes at BYU, and since I've been down in Texas for school for the past four years, coming to BYU is quite a change.

At Trinity I was either the only Mormon or 1 of 3 members. Here at BYU I look around and basically everyone is Mormon. At Trinity there were only 2500 students in the entire school. Here at BYU...35,000? I went from being the minority to being part of the large majority. At Trinity people are often scantily dressed, wearing anything (or nothing) from extremely short short that most people see way too low cut shirts exposing plenty of cleavage and bare skin. Here at BYU...well people are simply dressed modestly. And at Trinity I was a college at BYU, I'm just a regular student.

Even though it's basically opposite from my experience at Trinity and I may or may not be experiencing a little culture shock (despite the fact that it's my own culture)...I must say it's quite nice as well. People dressed modestly and using clean language (no F words, thank goodness) so refreshing. Having prayer before every class starts and having my professors converse about the Gospel and the scriptures as if it's a normal subject for everyone...well it's definitely different, but I like it.

It is certain that BYU is a pretty unique place. But I think I'm going to enjoy my time here.


  1. Goodie! Our little grad school girl

  2. I knew it would rock your world a little bit...but you are going to fall in love with BYU! So jealous you're there without me! Love you and good luck!
